Tozando Katana Shop

About International Delivery of Antique and Newly Forged Katana Swords

Thank you for considering purchasing from Tozando Katana Shop.

In Japan, a person must hold a registration certificate for guns and swords in order to possess a Japanese sword. In order to export these swords overseas, we must first apply for an export permit from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and once approved, the sword can be exported. This process takes approximately two weeks(See also this blog post).

Therefore, after you purchase a Japanese sword from this site, it will take about two weeks for us to ship your order to you. Also, the price of the swords listed on this site is the price of the item only and does not include shipping costs. Shipping costs vary depending on the country and timing of shipment and will be invoiced separately after the transaction is finalized. Please be assured that we will inform you of the shipping cost prior to shipping

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Thank you in advance for your understanding