Even if you purchase the Japanese sword of your dreams, you may not be able to fully showcase the beauty of your Japanese sword unless you display it properly. In this article, we would like to explain the proper way...
What is Fuchi-gashira? Fuchi-gashira is a decorative metal fitting attached to the handle of a Japanese sword. It is a general term for two metal fittings: the Tsukagashira (commonly known as "kashira") attached to the end of the handle, and...
So What Exactly is Shirasaya? There are two types of Japanese sword mountings: the koshirae, also called uchigatana, and shirasaya. The uchigatana koshirae is equipped with a tsuba, a cord-wrapped handle, and a painted or lacquered scabbard. The shirasaya, which...
When looking after your sword, the main objective is to prevent the blade from oxidizing and rusting. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly remove any stale oil from the blade and replace it entirely with new oil, making sure that...
How to draw and sheath your Japanese sword It goes without saying, that Japanese swords are precious cultural treasures, but if it is handled roughly it might be damaged or might cause injury to yourself or someone else. If that...