Tanto(Kogarasumaru) - Mumei(No Signature) - Aikuchi Koshirae - Ubu Nakago - Shinshinto Era - Shizuoka 72212

This is a rare unsigned kogarasmal style dagger.

The overall condition of the sword's preservation is sound with no flaws, chips, or rust, although it is in the condition of an old polish. The jigane has a moist appearance with a well-packed itame hada. Hamon is a fine suguha with a well-compacted nie.

It has a kogaramaru shape and the kisaki portion is double-edged. The aikuchi type koshirae also has unique features. All the metal fittings are of the period, giving it the atmosphere of the era in which it was made. The thin, thread-wrapped tsuka is coated with black lacquer, giving it an elegant luster. The mekugi are metal pegs inserted from both sides, a type of mekugi not often found in the market.

It is equipped with both kozuka and kogai, making it a total package of luxury.

If you are looking for a unique tanto that others don't have, this kogarasumaru is a must-have addition to your collection.

  • Blade length: 23.0 cm
  • Curvature: 0.2 cm
  • Number of Mekugi hole: 1
  • Motohaba: 23.8 mm
  • Motokasane: 5.9 mm
  • Signature: No signature
  • Era: Shinshinto
  • Structure: Kogarasumaru
  • Jigane: Itame
  • Hamon: Notare
  • Boshi: Hoso-suguha
  • Weight: 190 g(blade only)/270g(without Saya)
  • Nakago: Ubu
  • Koshirae: Black silk wrapped Tsuka with black gloss finish saya
  • Original Registration No.: Shizuoka 72212

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