Tozando Katana Shop

Katana - Sukesada - Uchigatana Koshirae - Ubu Nakago - Shinto Era - Tokyo 84886

This katana is the work of kozuke daijo sukesada. kozuke daijo sukesada was born in 1633 and his real name was Yokoyama Heibei. He is the sixth generation to carry on the Sukesada name and received the official title of kozuke daijo in 1664, and is considered the most skilled master craftsman of the Shinto period. He was the leader of the Osafune Sukesada school and worked hard to revive it until his 89th birthday.

This sword is well packed with itame hada and has some tobiyaki on the gnome hamon in places. The sword is in a medium state of preservation, with flaws and rust in places. In particular, there is an object that looks like pine needles on the blade at the mitsukado where the blade and yokotesuji intersect. The sword itself is very heavy for its length. The metal fittings are original and the tsukamaki was recently rewound in a silk tsumami-maki style. The condition of the sheath is dented and cracked in places. It is suitable for test cutting because of its weight. We have set a very affordable price considering the condition of the sword itself, so buy it now.

  • Blade length: 71.2 cm
  • Curvature: 1.2 cm
  • Number of Mekugi hole: 1
  • Sakihaba: 22.8 mm
  • Sakikasane: 5.6 mm
  • Motohaba: 30.6 mm
  • Motokasane: 8.0 mm
  • Signature: Yokoyama Kozuke Danjo Fujiwara Sukesada(front), Bushu Osafune Junin(back)
  • Era: Shinto
  • Structure: Shinogi-zukuri, Iori-mune
  • Jigane: Itame
  • Hamon: Gunome with Tobiyaki
  • Boshi: Midarete Haitte Komaru ni Kaeru
  • Nakago: Suriage
  • Weight: 1,290 g(without Saya)
  • Original Registration No.: Tokyo 84886

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