Tozando Katana Shop

Tanto - Kunimune - Shirasaya Koshirae - Ubu Nakago - Koto Era - Tokyo 324722

This dagger is small and is what is called a kaiken. Kaiken means a sword that is kept inside a kimono, and it can be said to be a short sword for self-defense. Since carrying a katana was forbidden inside a castle, its value was recognized as a weapon for self-defense in the event of a surprise attack. It is said that many masterpieces have been handed down from ancestors, even by feudal lords.

This piece is in an extremely well-preserved state of sharpening, with no flaws or defects. The hada is a well-packed itame hada with some hataraki such as chikei. The thin notare hamon with niedeki is very elegant and graceful. The blade is engraved with a groove, one on the sashiomote side and two on the sashiura side. The habaki on the sashiura side is decorated with a six-pointed star family crest.

On the nakago is engraved the inscription Uda Kunimune. Uda was a group of swordsmiths who appeared in the late Kamakura period (1185-1333). Kunimitsu was the founder of the group, which flourished over the Muromachi period (1333-1568). Kunimune was a son of Kunimitsu and flourished for several generations after him.

Tozando offers a great selection of swords at reasonable prices. Don't miss this opportunity.

  • Blade length: 16.3 cm
  • Curvature: 0.0 cm
  • Number of Mekugi hole: 1
  • Motohaba: 18.6 mm
  • Motokasane: 6.4 mm
  • Signature: Uda Kunimune(front)
  • Era: Koto
  • Structure: Hira-zukuri, Iori-mune
  • Jigane: Itame
  • Hamon: Notare
  • Boshi: O-maru
  • Weight(blade only): 9 g
  • Nakago: Ubu
  • Fitting: Shirasaya
  • Original Registration No.: Tokyo 324722

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