Tozando Katana Shop

Wakizashi - Kanemoto - Shirasaya Koshirae - Ubu Nakago - Koto Era - Nagano 78603

¥290,000 ¥320,000

A new wakizashi with Kanemoto signature is now in stock.

The sword is very well preserved with no rust or chips, but there is a forging flaw on the sashi ura side about 20 cm from the machi at the shinogiji. Jigane has mokume mixed with itame and chikei is clearly visible. Hamon has niedeki wide gunome mixed with notare. The nakago is engraved with Noshu ju Kanemoto Saku.

Kanemoto was an active swordsmith in Mino during the Muromachi period (1333-1573), and his name was passed down through the generations. His works were known for their sharpness and excellent cutting quality, and warlords loved to use his swords.

The second generation Kanemoto, in particular, is popularly known as “Magoroku,” and his reputation is split in popularity between him and Kanesada, another Seki swordsmith.

This piece is very well made, but we are selling it this time at a reasonable price due to a forging defect on the sashiura side.

Don't miss out on this opportunity.

  • Blade length: 54.1 cm
  • Curvature: 1.3 cm
  • Number of Mekugi hole: 1
  • Sakihaba: 19.9 mm
  • Sakikasane: 4.6 mm
  • Motohaba: 30.6 mm
  • Motokasane: 7.4 mm
  • Signature: Noshu ju Kanemoto Saku(front)
  • Era: Koto
  • Structure: Shinogi-zukuri, Iori-mune
  • Jigane: Itame with Mokume mixed in
  • Hamon: Gunome with Notare
  • Boshi: Midarekonde Naka-maru ni Kaeru
  • Weight: 540 g(blade only)
  • Nakago: Ubu
  • Koshirae: Shirasaya
  • Original Registration No.: Nagano 78603

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