Tozando Katana Shop

Newly Forged Katana by Teruhira


Teruhira Kamiyama, whose real name is Yozo Kamiyama, was born in Hokkaido, Japan in 1981. Then, at the age of 25, he apprenticed himself to Miyairi Kozaemon Yukihira, a swordsmith living in Nagano Prefecture.

Five years later, he received approval from the Agency for Cultural Affairs to make a sword, and the following year, 2012, he entered his work for the first time in the 7th Omamori Sword Exhibition, where he received an honorable mention and became the center of attention. He went on to win a succession of awards, including the Newcomer's Award and the Gold Award, and in 2016 he moved to Okayama Prefecture to set up his own workshop.

His work is consistently inspired by the famous sword Masamune, and he specializes in Soshu-den. He is a talented swordsmith who received the "Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award," the highest award in the sword-making category, at the "New Japanese Sword Polishing and Exterior Sword Craftsmanship Exhibition.

Swordsmith name: Teruhira

Real name: Yozo Kamiyama

Birthplace: Hokkaido Prefecture

Birth year: 1981

How did you become a swordsmith?
I wanted to become a swordsmith simply because I was fascinated by the beauty of Japanese swords.

Personal Motto
Everyone has a moment to shine at least once in their lifetime.