Katana - Sadakazu - NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token Certificate - Shirasaya Koshirae - Ubu Nakago - Shinshinto Era
This piece is in excellent preservation condition and is of great beauty. Typical Bakumatsu sword features, such as shallow curvature and large kissaki, can be seen on this sword. The hada is a well-packed itame hada that enjoys active layers such as chikei. Hamon is suguha with ko-gunome mixed in places. This was made when he lived in Osaka, and on the back of the nakago is engraved December 1867, the month this sword was made. His works made after the Meiji period are available in the market, but those made in the Edo period are rare and valuable. Sato Kanzan, an authority in the appraisal of Japanese swords, certified this piece as the work of Sadakazu I, and wrote as such on the scabbard.
- Blade length: 76.3 cm
- Curvature: 1.0 cm
- Number of Mekugi hole: 2
- Sakihaba: 27.3 mm
- Sakikasane: 6.2 mm
- Motohaba: 35.2 mm
- Motokasane: 8.1 mm
- Signature: No Signature
- Era: Koto
- Structure: Shinogi-zukuri, Iori-mune
- Jigane: Masame
- Hamon: Hoso-suguha
- Boshi: Komaru ni Kaeru
- Weight(without Saya): 1,210 g
- Nakago: Ubu
- Original Registration No.: Tokyo 168120
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