Tozando Katana Shop

Newly Forged Katana by Yoshimitsu


Yoshimitsu Ohno was born in 1948 in Kurosaki-cho, Nishikanbara-gun, Niigata Prefecture (now Niigata City). He has been interested in Japanese swords since his school days and studied under Yoshihara Yoshindo in 1969. While attending Nihon University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (graduating in 1972), he continued his training under Yoshihito until 1976 (Showa 51).

In 1975, he exhibited his work for the first time at the Exhibition of Contemporary Swords and was awarded the Encouragement Prize. In the same year, he joined the All Japan Sword Swordsmith Association and was certified by the Agency for Cultural Affairs for his swordsmanship. The following year, in 1976, he established Ohno Yoshimitsu Forge in Niigata, and was awarded the Effort Award consecutively until 1980, the Encouragement Award in 1981, and the Prince Takamatsu Award in 1982, making him a full member of the All Japan Swordsmith Association.

In 1987, he was certified as MUKANSA swordsmith.

Yoshimitsu's works are well known for "Sanshomo Utsushi" or "Yamatorige Utsushi," characterized by the peninsula-shaped Nioiguchi on the sashimote side, and his gorgeous Juka Choji Midare hamon, better known as "Ohno-Choji" is also highly appreciated.

In 2012, he was designated as an intangible cultural asset by Katsushika Ward, and he continues to promote the culture of swordsmithing to this day.

Swordsmith name: Yoshimitsu Ohno

Real name: Mitsuo Yoshikawa

Birthplace: Niigata Prefecture

Birth year: 1948

How did you become a swordsmith?
I've loved Japanese swords since I was a child anyway.

Personal Motto
People are born, people suffer, people die