Tanto - Mumei(No Signature) - Tanto Koshirae - Ubu Nakago - Shinto Era - Osaka 129524
This piece is a tanto equipped with a leather-wrapped tsuka from the Shinto period.
The blade is in excellent condition with no flaws or dents, but there are two spots of rust on the mine. There is also a chip at the top of the kissaki. The hada is itame with some mokume mixed in, and the yubashiri and chikei are well lifted. Hamon is a notare-like suguha with various hataraki within the ha, including ashi, aranie, and tama. Koshirae is unified with the tsuba, fuchigane, and kozuka in a dragon theme. The tsuka is wrapped in leather cords and the menuki is of the dashimenuki type. The kozuka is also fully equipped and very samurai-like koshirae.
This is a great tanto that TOZANDO is proud to offer.
- Blade length: 27.5 cm
- Curvature: 0.3 cm
- Number of Mekugi hole: 1
- Motohaba: 30.3 mm
- Motokasane: 6.4 mm
- Signature: No signature
- Era: Shinto
- Structure: Hira-zukuri
- Jigane: Itame
- Hamon: Suguha
- Boshi: Togatte Kaeru
- Weight(blade only): 270 g
- Nakago: Ubu
- Original Registration No.: Osaka 129524
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