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Posts tagged "appreciation"

Fuchi-gashira - An important part; not just an ornament

Fuchi-gashira - An important part; not just an ornament

What is Fuchi-gashira? Fuchi-gashira is a decorative metal fitting attached to the handle of a Japanese sword. It is a general term for two metal fittings: the Tsukagashira (commonly known as "kashira") attached to the end of the handle, and...


The Manufacturing of Japanese Style Swords Abroad

The Manufacturing of Japanese Style Swords Abroad

What are Japanese swords? Simply put, Japanese swords or katana are made by a unique Japanese blacksmithing method and are assumed to have been crafted in Japan, but a Japanese sword cannot merely be characterized as a weapon. It has...


Gokaden Part 5: Mino-den

Gokaden Part 5: Mino-den

A treasure house of swords for actual warfare that are robust and boast outstanding sharpness Mino-den is the most recent of the Gokaden. It originated in the mid Kamakura period (1185-1333) and flourished from the Muromachi period (1333-1568) to the...