Tozando Katana Shop

Tachi - Mumei(No Signature) - NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Certificate(Sadatsuna) - Uchigatana/Shirasaya Koshirae - Suriage Nakago - Koto Era - Okayama 06565


This is a beautiful Tachi that has been authenticated by the Society for Preservation of Japanese Art Swords as having been made by Sadatsuna in the Nanbokucho period.

It is extremely well preserved with no flaws, chips or rust of any kind. The jigane has itame mixed with mokume, a characteristic hada that is very typical of Koto period work. The hamon has gnome baked into the midare with nie and active hataraki such as yo, ashi and sunagashi. Both jigane and hamon have an ancient elegance reminiscent of the old hoki style.

Although the Nakago has two holes for mekugi and is unsigned, the Society for Preservation of Japanese Art Swords has authenticated this piece as a genuine Sadatsuna katana and certified it as tokubetsu kicho, meaning it is worthy of special preservation for future generations, and issued a certificate of recognition in April 1991.

The first generation Sadatsuna was the son of Naotsuna, one of the ten disciples of the legendary Masamune, who, like Naotsuna, made swords in the area of Dewa in Sekishu (present-day Shimane Prefecture). This Tachi is probably the work of the second generation.

The koshirae is in the style of uchigatana, with a very bright and distinctive crimson tamenuri. The center of the scabbard is decorated with the family crests of Maruni Chigai Takanoha, which were used by many feudal lords in the Edo period. The tsukamaki is a light brown silk cord wrapped in the style of a tsuma-maki. The fuchikashira, menuki, and tsuba metal fittings are unified by a theme of pine trees, chrysanthemums, and other plants.

Equipped with both a koshirae that exudes the spirit of the samurai and Shirasaya for storage, the Tokubetsu Hozon Appraisal tachi is now available for you. Don't miss this opportunity.

  • Blade length: 70.9 cm
  • Curvature: 2.6 cm
  • Number of Mekugi hole: 2
  • Sakihaba: 19.4 mm
  • Sakikasane: 4.9 mm
  • Motohaba: 27.5 mm
  • Motokasane: 5.3 mm
  • Signature: No signature
  • Era: Koto
  • Structure: Shinogi-zukuri, Iori-mune
  • Jigane: Itame with Mokume mixed in
  • Hamon: Gunome Midare
  • Boshi: Midarete Haitte Nakamaru ni Kaeru
  • Weight(blade only): 630 g
  • Nakago: Suriage
  • Koshirae: Brown silk Tsuka with crimson Tamenuri-lacquered Saya, Shirasaya
  • Original Registration No.: Okayama 06565

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